Friday, 25 September 2015

Fear and Fearlessness: What the Buddhists Teach

Fear and Fearlessness: What the Buddhists Teach

So much of our suffering—as individuals and as a society—is caused by fear. In fact, according to Buddhism, fear is at the very root of ego and samsara. The Shambhala Sun and the Omega Institute brought together four outstanding Buddhist teachers to discuss the vital practice of working with our fears

Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety – Thubten Chodron I, II, III

Dealing with anxiety

Extracted from The Path To Happiness.


Related Posts:

1.      Working with emotions
4.       Developing a good heart
5.       Ruminating

A View on Buddhism : Fear, Anxiety and Phobia

A View on Buddhism :  Fear, Anxiety and Phobia

What is Fear?
Addiction to Fear
Western Therapies
My Own Fear of Heights
Healthy Fear 
The Buddhist Approach

Handling Unrealisitc Fear
My fear and doubts have vanished like mist
into the distance, never to disturb me again. 

I will die content and free from regrets.
This is the fruit of Dharma practice.

Milarepa, from 'Fruit of Dharma Practice'

Attentive, Awake and Aware, by Ajahn Sumedho

Attentive, Awake and Aware, by Ajahn Sumedho

Posted on  by Buddhism Now

Mindful Movement 1 - 2

Mindful Movement 1 - 2

Published on Sep 24, 2015
Mindful movement is a core component of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). These movements provide a direct way to connect with awareness of the body. Becoming aware of the body gives us an additional place from which to stand and look at our thoughts and emotions.

See Part 2:
Learn more:

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Science and Buddhism Agree: There is No 'You' There

Science and Buddhism Agree: There is No 'You' There

Evan Thompson of the University of British Columbia has verified the Buddhist belief of anatta, or not-self. Neuroscience has been interested in Buddhism since the late 1980s, when the Mind and Life Institute was created by HH Dalai Lama and a team of scientists. The science that came out of those first studies gave validation to what monks have known for years — if you train your mind, you can change your brain. As neuroscience has begun studying the mind, they have looked to those who have mastered the mind.
While Buddha didn’t teach anatta to lay people, thinking it might be too confusing, the concept  is centered on the idea that there is no consistent self. The belief that we are the same one moment to the next, or one year to the next, is a delusion. Thompson says that “the brain and body is constantly in flux. There is nothing that corresponds to the sense that there’s an unchanging self.”

Buddhism Documentary - Representing the Buddha Bhante Anandajoti

Buddhism Documentary - Representing the Buddha Bhante Anandajoti

Published on Sep 23, 2015
Buddhism Documentary - Representing the Buddha Bhante Anandajoti 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Experienced Mindfulness Meditators Exhibit Higher Parietal-Occipital EEG Gamma Activity during NREM Sleep

Experienced Mindfulness Meditators Exhibit Higher Parietal-Occipital EEG Gamma Activity during NREM Sleep

  • Published: August 28, 2013
  • DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073417

Dharma-documentaries: Burmese practice

Sketch of an Excellent Man, Pa Auk Sayadaw

Sketch of an Excellent Man
When I started this site I already had it in mind to include videos from the three major traditions of Buddhism, and thereby keep it open, as all traditions have undergone changes from the original teaching, particularly through the influence of the commentaries (in the Theravāda tradition), and the new scriptures and commentaries (in the Mahayāna and Tibetan traditions).
I have always regretted however not being able to include more documentaries from the Theravāda. This is not from wanting of trying, but simply because they aren’t available, and while the Tibetans, for instance, have literally scores of good documentaries about their tradition, the Theravādins have only a handful, at least in English.
Today we have a newly published documentary on the Pa Auk Sayadaw by Setti Wessels, that is well made, and gives in detail information about his life and teachings, with good illustrations to help bring the latter to life. The film features clips taken from as far back as 1995, and includes materials up to the 2014 Kathina celebrations.
The film not only documents the Sayadaw’s life and teachings, but also the way these are implemented in the various monasteries that Sayadaw has built around the world. At the heart of the film are illustrated talks given by Sayadaw in English to Korean students, in which he discusses some of his most characterstic teaching about the Abhidahmma.
The film alternates between giving a biogrpahy of the Sayadaw, looking at the strict schedule at the Pa Auk Tawya monasteries, and recordings of the Sayadaw’s teachings, and at nearly two hours in one of the most complete documents of its subject available. Note that the film maker Setti Wessels has longer exceprts of the teachings and other material on his youtube channel.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Revival of Buddhism In India - From Untouchables to Buddhists



Revival of Buddhism In India - From Untouchables to Buddhists
Published on Sep 17, 2015
From Untouchable to Buddhist - The Revival of Buddhism I India and its Implications for the development of Buddhism in the World.
Buddhism died out in India over 700 years ago. On 14th October 1956 500,000 Dalits (so-called Untouchables) converted to Buddhism inspired by their great leader Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Since then millions of Dalits have followed them into Buddhism. Dr. Ambedkar's approach to Buddhism and the new Buddhist movement he inspired have implications for Buddhists throughout the world. In this presentation I shall be looking at the following:
A. The background - Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchablity
B. The reasons that led Dr. Ambedkar to Buddhism as a solution to the question of Untouchability.
C. The teachings of the Buddha that he emphasised.
D. The situation regarding Buddhism and Dalits in India today..
E. Buddhism had such a momentous impact on Asia in the past. In the last part of the presentation I shall look at the implications of this new Buddhist movement for the wider Buddhist community, especially, but not exclusively in Asia, emphasising its democratic and egalitarian nature, its humanistic approach, and the promise of a cultural renaissance.

About the Speaker
Born in London 1947, he was ordained into the Western Buddhist Order (WBO) in 1974 by Sangharakshita, a trusted associate of Dr. Ambedkar. He is a well known figure in the Buddhist world. In 1977, he visited India as an Anagarika to learn Yoga and visit holy Buddhist sites. He was deeply affected by Deekshabhoomi sight in 1977 where he saw impact of conversion movement launched by Babasaheb Ambedkar. Since then, he is living in India and his life and mission is dedicated to movement of Babasaheb Ambedkar. He was instrumental in initiating activities of TBMSG in India. Lokamitra is the President of Nagarjuna Training Institute (NTI) dedicated to train students from all over India in "Buddhism and Social Work".

For more information:

Part 1 and 2 of the presentation: