Along the Path 2nd edition - PDF eBook |
This unique guidebook provides practical and inspiring information for meditators who plan to visit India and Nepal and the sacred sites where the Buddha lived and taught. The book offers a rich anthology of deeply inspiring stories relating to each of the pilgrimage sites connected to the Buddha's life and teaching. Also includes helpful maps, creative artwork and spirited narratives from experienced travellers Detailed descriptions of each of the sites, including insider information on what to see and tips on transportation, accommodation and local cuisine. Suggested excursions and activities in the vicinity of both ancient and modern sites. Highlights established Vipassana meditation centers that are best suited to accommodate visiting meditators. Includes an in-depth travel section to help meditators prepare for a safe launch from home and cultivate cultural sensibilities. Click here for updates on the book and related topics. Reader Review: "In February, 2010, I led a group of twenty Buddhist practitioners to the holy sites in Buddhist India. We used Kory Goldberg and Michelle Decary's "Along the Path" as our guide to gain a deeper understanding of places we were visiting. We often used the book's selections from the Pali Canon as the basis of our group reflections and dhamma talks. It became a most inspiring source for us both as travelers in India and as Buddhist pilgrims. Goldberg and Decary are to be complimented on their devotion and commitment in putting this book together for those wishing to visit the holy sites. —Mu Soeng, Resident Scholar at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, Massachusetts This eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.
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Approaching the Dhamma - PDF eBook |
Download File size: 1.8MB Eleven essays from leading scholars in Buddhist Studies honor the late Godwin Samararatne, "scholar, meditation master, social work, and spiritual friend to many in Sri Lanka and beyond." Each essay offers new interpretations of Buddhist texts and practices central to the life of the Dhamma in South and Southeast Asia. Topics range from Buddhist theory and origin to practice and application. The authors address complex questions related to the interpretation and understanding of Buddhism. A diverse range of positions stratify the meaning of the Buddha's teaching through contextual discussions about attitudes, death, emotion, social service, ritual performance, past lives, lay meditation, and more. "This entirely original and thoroughly fresh set of interpretive scholarly essays by such a distinguished group of scholars is a fitting and worthy tribute to Godwin Samararatne, a genuinely compassionate Buddhist who enriched the lives of so many who have traveled to Sri Lanka in search of understanding the Dhamma, how it can be realized through meditation, and how it informs a Buddhist understanding of the world. Almost without exception, the collective insights articulated here make a lasting contribution to the quests of Buddhist studies." —John Clifford HoltThis eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.
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Awareness and Wisdom in Addiction Therapy - PDF eBook |
Drug addiction has a reputation of being unchangeable. However, it is the view of these authors that a full cure from drug addiction or habitual addiction can be achieved. In this essay they address both the recovery and the long-term goal of healing from addiction. Combining both the principles of systemic therapy and experience gained through many years of counseling, they develop a unique model called ‘in-depth systemic’ therapy. This model extends the classical systemic model by introducing and expanding on the 'mental' dimension of mental-somatic models. The central point of their work is the thesis that addicts themselves have to reorganize and restructure their own habitual ways of perception and cognition. Vipassana meditation serves as the instrument of choice to realize this transformation. Vipassana comprises an ethical lifestyle (moral conduct), concentration of the mind through meditation, and working progressively on one's own mental-somatic models. This essay is directed towards practitioners within the fields of drug addiction, psychotherapy, social work, life counseling and coaching who are interested in the development of the autonomy of their clients and their own autonomy. Meditators from the fields of awareness and wisdom will also find various connections to bring forward their development through exploring their direct experiences. Additionally, scientists concerned with the integration of theory and practice, as well as empirically-based theory building, will find much of interest.This eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.
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Buddha and His Dhamma, The - (MP3 audiobook) |
Two lectures on Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi as an audiobook. The first part explores the Buddha’s mission, the second his doctrine and path. Excerpt from the introduction— “That the Buddha’s teaching should remain perennially relevant throughout the changing eras of human history, that his message should be undimmed by the sheer passage of time, is already implicit in the title by which he is most commonly known. For the word “Buddha,” as is widely known, is not a proper name but an honorific title meaning “the Enlightened One,” “the Awakened One.” This title is given to him because he has woken up from the deep sleep of ignorance in which the rest of the world is absorbed; because he has penetrated the deepest truths about the human condition; and because he proclaims those truths with the aim of awakening others and enabling them to share his realization. Despite the shifting scenarios of history over twenty-five centuries, despite the change in world views and modes of thought from one epoch to the next, the basic truths of human life do not change. They remain constant, and are recognizable to those mature enough to reflect on them and intelligent enough to understand them. For this reason, even today in our age of jet travel, computer technology, and genetic engineering, it is perfectly fitting that the One who has Awakened should speak to us in words that are just as powerful, just as cogent, just as illuminating as they were when they were first proclaimed long ago in the towns and villages of Northeast India.”
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Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana Souvenir Album - PDF |
This souvenir album contains photos and text documenting the Sixth Buddhist Council. The Sixth Buddhist Council opened on May 17, 1954. Like the preceding councils, its chief objective was to recite, affirm and preserve the genuine wording of the Vinaya, Suttas and Abhidhamma--the pariyatti--as related by the Buddha and his principal disciples. This Council was unique in that the 2,500 learned Theravāda monks who participated came from eight countries--Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India and Nepal--unlike previous councils which had included monks from the host countries only. Mahayana monks and representatives from all Buddhist countries also attended.
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Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, A - PDF eBook |
This modern translation of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Manual of Abhidhamma) offers an introduction to Buddhism's fundamental philosophical psychology. Originally written in the 11th or 12th century, the Sangaha has served as the key to wisdom held in the Abhidhamma. Concisely surveyed are Abhidhamma's central themes, including states of consciousness and mental factors, the functions and processes of the mind, the material world, dependent arising, and the methods and stages of meditation. This work presents an exact translation of the Sangaha alongside the original Pali text. A detailed, section-by-section explanatory guide and more than 40 charts and tables lead modern readers through the complexities of Adhidhamma. A detailed introduction explains the basic principles of this highly revered ancient philosophical psychology. Abhidhamma , the third division of the Pitaka, is a huge collection of systematically arranged, tabulated and classified doctrines of the Buddha, representing the quintessence of his Teaching. Abhidhamma, meaning Higher or Special Teaching, is unique in its abstruseness, analytical approach, immensity of scope and conduciveness to one's liberation. In the Abhidhamma, the Buddha treats the dhamma entirely in terms of ultimate reality ( Paramattha sacca), analyzing every phenomenon into its ultimate constituents. All relative concepts such as person, mountain, etc. are reduced to their ultimate elements which are then precisely defined, classified and systematically arranged. In Abhidhamma, everything is expressed in terms of khandha, five aggregates of existence; ayatana, five sensory organs and mind, and their respective sense objects; dhatu, elements; indriya, faculties; sacca, fundamental truths; and so on. Relative conceptual objects such as man, woman, etc. are resolved into ultimate components and viewed as an impersonal psycho-physical phenomenon, which is conditioned by various factors and is impermanent ( anicca), suffering ( dukkha) and without a permanent entity ( anatta). Having resolved all phenomena into ultimate components analytically it aims at synthesis by defining inter-relations ( paccaya) between the various constituent factors. This volume, a recent update of Ven. Mahathera Narada's classic annotated translation, contains the Pāli text, Bhikkhu Bodhi's lucid, revised translation, and a long introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi and Ven. U Rewata Dhamma explaining the basic principles of the . It also features 48 charts and tables representing the subject in a visual format, provided by Ven. U Silananada. See also the PTS Pāli edition of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha and the PTS translation Compendium of Philosophy as well as Process of Consciousness and Matter, by Ven. Rewata Dhamma, available as an ebook
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Cultivating Inner Peace - PDF eBook |
Download File size: Paul Fleischman, psychiatrist, author and long-time meditator, writes about the psychology, wisdom and poetry of those who have inspired him in his personal quest for harmony and happiness. The learnable qualities of peaceful living are brought into focus by examining the lives of diverse exemplars such as Mahatma Gandhi, Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, the Buddha, John Muir, Scott and Helen Nearing, and Rabindranath Tagore. His ultimate example is an autobiographical account of his own experience with his practice of Vipassana. The final chapter of the book is a compelling appeal to all people to walk the path of peace as a way of healing the earth itself. This new paperback edition includes a new introduction and a foreword by Professor William Radice, noted Tagore scholar and poet. "We do not create inner peace. We discover it. It is in fact present and available," writes the author. This eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.
 | 2 Review(s) |
Dhamma Verses - eBook (PDF) |
"Dhamma is not found in temples, or sold in the bazaar. Dhamma is not found in books; whoever applies it attains it." (S.N. Goenka—Dhamma Verse 44) S.N Goenka is best known as a teacher of Vipassana meditation—a modern master transmitting an ancient spiritual tradition dating back to the time of the Buddha. But he also carries on another tradition: that of the poet-sage whose words point the way to higher things. Just as the Buddha composed and often taught Dhamma by means of the gatha, or verse, so Mr. Goenka uses the doha, a rhymed couplet, chanted in his resonant voice, to instruct as well as inspire his Hindi-speaking students. This integral part of his teaching method has remained obscure for those who do not understand Hindi. Dhamma Verses is an invitation to seekers everywhere to share the inspiration of Goenkaji's Dhamma poetry. This meticulously translated collection of over 100 of his dohas presents each doha in the original Hindi , as well as in Roman-script Hindi and English. 'If wisdom arises in your mind you become humble and modest, as a branch laden with fruit is sure to bow low.' (S.N. Goenka—Dhamma Verse 92) Also available with an accompanying audio tape from which the dohas have been transcribed
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Dhamma Verses - Video Streaming and Download |
"Dhamma is not found in temples, or sold in the bazaar. Dhamma is not found in books; whoever applies it attains it." (S.N. Goenka—Dhamma Verse 44) S.N Goenka is best known as a teacher of Vipassana meditation—a modern master transmitting an ancient spiritual tradition dating back to the time of the Buddha. But he also carries on another tradition: that of the poet-sage whose words point the way to higher things. Just as the Buddha composed and often taught Dhamma by means of the gatha, or verse, so Mr. Goenka uses the doha, a rhymed couplet, chanted in his resonant voice, to instruct as well as inspire his Hindi-speaking students. This integral part of his teaching method has remained obscure for those who do not understand Hindi. Dhamma Verses is an invitation to seekers everywhere to share the inspiration of Goenkaji's Dhamma poetry. This meticulously translated collection of over 100 of his dohas presents each doha in the original Hindi , as well as in Roman-script Hindi and English. 'If wisdom arises in your mind you become humble and modest, as a branch laden with fruit is sure to bow low.' (S.N. Goenka—Dhamma Verse 92) Also available with an accompanying audio tape from which the dohas have been transcribed
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Healing of the Bull, The - Audiobook MP3 |
One day, into the temple premises where Kapuri the she-elephant, the wise tortoise, and the peacock lived, there arrived a work-worn bull. Kapuri saw him seated in the middle of the temple grounds behind the monks' quarters, looking as though he were weighed down by a world of sorrow.
When Kapuri's mahout tied her to the accustomed jak tree after her day's work and went away leaving a heap of kitul palms for her to munch on, Kapuri cast several thoughtful glances in the direction of the bull. He was seated close by, looking like a dejected sack of bones that had been carelessly deposited on the ground.
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In the Hope of Nibbana |
The words "in the hope of nibbana" are often found printed on invitations to anniversaries or festival meals, sent by the Burmese to their friends. Early in the morning, monks are fed, followed by other invited friends who arrive for a good social meal together. All of this is done, as the invitation reassures, "in the hope of nibbana". Thus does the ordinary Buddhist, himself far from nibbana, honor those who are striving, humbly hoping that his modest charitable efforts will somehow by the process of kammic multiplication add up to a nibbanic sum in the end. Such words characterize the Buddhist ethical endeavor. In the Hope of Nibbana offers a glimpse into the process of a "religion" and a culture struggling to align ethical values with the realities of the modern world. Buddhism is deeply woven into the fabric of life in Burma, now called Myanmar, and the country's insular history has made it an ideal place to experience Buddhism's influence on a culture and people. Dr. Winston L. King, a professor of religious studies, also authored Buddhism and Christianity: Some Bridges of Understanding; A Thousand Lives Away; and Theravada Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga. In the Hope of Nibbana was written after two years of study in Burma during the early 1960s; he wrote a postscript for this new edition shortly before he passed away at the age of 92.
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In the Hope of Nibbana - PDF eBook |
Download File size: The words "in the hope of nibbana" are often found printed on invitations to anniversaries or festival meals, sent by the Burmese to their friends. Early in the morning, monks are fed, followed by other invited friends who arrive for a good social meal together. All of this is done, as the invitation reassures, "in the hope of nibbana". Thus does the ordinary Buddhist, himself far from nibbana, honor those who are striving, humbly hoping that his modest charitable efforts will somehow by the process of kammic multiplication add up to a nibbanic sum in the end. Such words characterize the Buddhist ethical endeavor. In the Hope of Nibbana offers a glimpse into the process of a "religion" and a culture struggling to align ethical values with the realities of the modern world. Buddhism is deeply woven into the fabric of life in Burma, now called Myanmar, and the country's insular history has made it an ideal place to experience Buddhism's influence on a culture and people. Dr. Winston L. King, a professor of religious studies, also authoredBuddhism and Christianity: Some Bridges of Understanding; A Thousand Lives Away; andTheravada Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga. In the Hope of Nibbana was written after two years of study in Burma during the early 1960s; he wrote a postscript for this new edition shortly before he passed away at the age of 92. This eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.
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Insights from an Ancient Tradition (MP3) |
Addresses by S.N. Goenka and four others to the second "Insights From an Ancient Tradition" conference, held at the Vipassana Meditation Center (Dhamma Dhara) in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA, September 3 - 4, 2000. The MP3s include questions and answers at the end of each talk. The conference followed a ten-day Vipassana retreat. It was designed so that participants could explore at the intellectual level what they had experienced while meditating. The four presenters at the conference were all Vipassana meditators who live engaged professional lives and who serve as assistants or teachers of Vipassana, appointed by Mr. Goenka. The revered Teacher of Vipassana, who was visiting America for the first time in nine years, had just completed his participation in the Millenium Peace Summit at the United Nations. COMPLETE PROCEEDINGS Spiritual Emotions: Paul R Fleischman, M.D. (79:00; Q&A28:04) Practical Spirituality - The Art and Science of Vipassana: Lemay Henderson, M.D. (60:57; Q&A19:01)Loka: The Buddha's Formulation of the Universe: Richard Crutcher (53:00; Q&A18:57) Science, Objectivity and Vipassana: Peter Kerr, Ph.D. (49:24; Q&A18:59)Concluding lecture by S.N. Goenka: The Science of Mind and Matter (35:03; Q&A14:46)
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Maha Bodhi Journal - U Ba Khin Memorial - PDF |
Sayagyi U Ba Khin passed away on January 19, 1971.
The April 1972 issue of The Maha Bodhi, the journal of the Maha Bodhi Society of India, was printed to commemorate his passing. It contains articles and letters by his students and his students’ students.
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Meditation for All |
Meditation for All, by Ngon Som, is named as such since the Dhamma discovered by the Buddha is the universal law, the law of nature, which can be beneficial to anyone who is able to follow diligently the Noble Eightfold Path, summed up in three groups of sīla(morality), samādhi (concentration) and paññā (wisdom). Gotama Buddha, just like all the Buddhas in the past, found out this law due to his pāramī (perfections). Thus, the Buddha-Dhamma is not a monopoly but the possession of all, whether Christian, Jain, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist. This book is intended to inspire those who undertake the actual practice of sīla, samādhi and paññā enabling them to come closer to the goal of full liberation.
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Mettā - The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love - Audiobook MP3 |
Download size: 94 MB
This is the audiobook version of this booklet, in which the founder of the Maha Bodhi Society in India explains the ethics, the psychology, the blessings and power of mettā, with instructions on the traditional practice of metta-bhavana meditation. "But let not metta be mistaken as a mere sentiment. It is the power of the strong. If the leaders from different walks of life were to give metta a fair trial, no principle or guideline to action would be found to possess greater efficiency or fruitfulness in all spheresÖ.If man decides to substitute metta as a policy of action for aggression and ill will, the world will turn into a veritable abode of peace. For it is only when man shall have peace within himself, and boundless goodwill for others, that peace in the world will become enduring." (p. 47)
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On Living Life Well - PDF eBook |
Download File size: 1.6MB This collection of talks by internationally known Buddhist scholars, given as part of Colgate University study-abroad programs, presents complex Buddhist insights into living life guided by the Noble Eightfold Path, and how to live more freely through it. Set in the context of Sri Lankan culture,topics include: Psychological well-being, The basis for ethical living, Discerning meaning in this life, The centrality of meditation, The monastic experience, Dimensions of historical development of Theravāda tradition in Sri Lanka, Patterns of formation, A way to respond constructively to our global human foibles,Explanations of ancient religious practices still current today.Engaged discussions with American students and question-and-answer sessions are included.
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Quiet Mind, The - PDF eBook |
The Quiet Mind is a classic (and true) story of a spiritual odyssey. John Coleman, a CIA agent in Asia in the 1950's, is forced to resign when his cover is blown. He embarks on a vigorous pursuit of a different sort: a quest for spiritual truth. Coleman travels through India, Burma, Japan and Thailand and encounters such legendary teachers as Krishnamurti, Maharishi, D.T. Suzuki and Sayagyi U Ba Khin. His search for peace of mind and liberating insights comes to fruition in Yangon (Rangoon) under the tutelage of the great Vipassana meditation master U Ba Khin. First published in 1970, The Quiet Mind has been out of print for many years; this new edition will be welcomed by a new generation of seekers and those already familiar with it. This eBook is in PDF format, which can be read on any eBook reader which can display PDF files, and on computers. PDF eBooks are not printable.Download File size: 3MB
 | 3 Review(s) |