Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Buddhism among Turks - Universal Turkic CuL-Ture & History & Languages & Beliefs

Buddhism among Turks - Universal Turkic CuL-Ture & History & Languages & Beliefs 

Published on Sep 30, 2012
Introduction to Buddhism (Dr. James Powell)
Buddhism among the Turks (Jack Rowe)
Also special thanks to

Ancient holy universal 35,000 Year Turkic History & Cul-Ture & Languages & Civilization - hidden, stolen, rewritten, renamed, disgraced, divided, destroyed by the worst anti-Turkish & anti-Turkic evil United Western/Christian-Zionist Old & New World Order Mafia Terrorists: Europe=EU=USA=Russia=China=Israeliran=UN


"THE TURKS ON THE ROCKS" from East/Central/North Asia to America, North/East/West/South Europe, Ana-tolia, Middle East, Caucasia, fake Iran, Mesopotamia, Egypt, South Arabia, North Africa ...


"The Uyghur Turks had reached high states of civilization and culture;
They knew astrology, mining, textile industries, architecture, mathematics, agriculture, writing, reading, medicine (real founder of acupuncture) (...). They were experts in decorative art or silk, metals, and wood. They made pyramids, statues of gold, silver, bronze, and clay (...).
This was long before the history of Egypt commenced!"

(J. Churchward, S. Malov, K. Mirsan, Erich Feigl, Yu.N. Drozdov, Polat Kaya, S. Lagerbring, H. Tarcan (...))

Librivox: Dhammapada;

Dhammapada; Teachings of the Buddha, Dharmapada, Dharma, Dhamma, Audiobook 

Published on Feb 14, 2014
Dhammapada; Teachings of the Buddha, Dharmapada, Dharma, Dhamma, Audiobook

by Max Muller
Published on Feb 21, 2015

The Dhammapada - Lotus Feet of Righteousness

The Dhammapada - Lotus Feet of Righteousness

Published on Aug 27, 2012
The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures.The original version of the Dhammapada is in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism.

I. The Twin-Verses (Yamaka-vaggo) (see excerpt below)
II. On Earnestness (Appamāda-vaggo)
III. Thought (Citta-vaggo)
IV. Flowers (Puppha-vaggo)
V. The Fool (Bāla-vaggo)
VI. The Wise Man (Paṇḍita-vaggo)
VII. The Venerable (Arahanta-vaggo)
VIII. The Thousands (Sahassa-vaggo)
IX. Evil (Pāpa-vaggo)
X. Punishment (Daṇḍa-vaggo) (see excerpt below)
XI. Old Age (Jarā-vaggo)
XII. Self (Atta-vaggo)
XIII. The World (Loka-vaggo)
XIV. The Buddha — The Awakened (Buddha-vaggo) (see excerpt below)
XV. Happiness (Sukha-vaggo)
XVI. Pleasure (Piya-vaggo)
XVII. Anger (Kodha-vaggo)
XVIII. Impurity (Mala-vaggo)
XIX. The Just (Dhammaṭṭha-vaggo)
XX. The Way (Magga-vaggo) (see excerpt below)
XXI. Miscellaneous (Pakiṇṇaka-vaggo)
XXII. The Downward Course (Niraya-vaggo)
XXIII. The Elephant (Nāga-vaggo)
XXIV. Thirst (Taṇhā-vaggo) (see excerpt below)
XXV. The Mendicant (Bhikkhu-vaggo)
XXVI. The Brāhmana (Brāhmaṇa-vaggo)

Second link:
Published on Sep 3, 2014
The Dhammapada (Pāli; Prakrit: धम्मपद Dhammapada; Sanskrit: धर्मपद Dharmapada) is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures. The original version of the Dhammapada is in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism.
The title, Dhammapada, is a compound term composed of dhamma and pada, each word having a number of denotations and connotations. Generally, dhamma can refer to the Buddha's "doctrine" or an "eternal truth" or "righteousness" or all "phenomena" and, at its root, pada means "foot" and thus by extension, especially in this context, means either "path" or "verse" (cf. "prosodic foot") or both. English translations of this text's title have used various combinations of these and related words.

Monday, 25 August 2014

ReligionFacts: Buddhist Rituals and Practices

What are Buddhist Rituals and Practices?

Thai Buddhists at a temple in Chiang Mai
Buddhism incorporates a variety of rituals and practices, which are intended to aid in the journey to enlightenment and bring blessings on oneself and others. While some activities are unique to certain expressions of Buddhism, there are others that are found in most of the popular forms of the belief system.
For example, the practice of meditation is central to nearly all forms of Buddhism, and it derives directly from the Buddha’s experiences and teachings. Meditation is is the central focus of Zen Buddhism and the only way to liberation in Theravada Buddhism. (Comparison Chart: Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism)
In addition to meditation, the Mahayana schools of Buddhism have developed a variety of other ritual and devotional practices, many of which were inspired or influenced by the existing religious cultures of India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Tibet. (Also see Chinese Religion, Taoism, and Confucianism)

Common Buddhist practices

The articles in this section provide an overview of some of the main Buddhist sacred rituals and practices. Please click on a link to learn more about the practice and scroll below for more articles on Buddhism.


Meditation in Buddhism refers to mental concentration and mindfulness.


Mantras refers to sacred sounds.


Mudras are symbolic hand gestures.

Prayer Wheels

Prayer wheels assist in reciting mantras with the turn of a wheel.

Buddhism Symbols

These are used in nearly all expressions of Buddhism.

ReligionFacts: The symbols of Buddhism

What are the Symbols of Buddhism?

In the earliest centuries of Buddhism, statues of the Buddha were not used. Instead, Buddhist art consisted of images symbolizing the Buddha and his teachings, such as the lotus, the Wheel of the Law, the Bodhi tree and the Buddha's footprints.
Eventually, the Buddha image became one of the most popular representations in Buddhism, but these early symbols remain important and are frequently used to this day. They are especially important in Theravada Buddhist countries like Sri Lanka and Thailand.

As Buddhism spread, Buddhist symbolism was enriched by the cultures it came into contact with. This is especially true of Buddhism in Tibet, which has developed a rich symbolic tradition. The central symbols of Tibetan Buddhism are the Eight Auspicious Symbols, known in Sanskrit as Ashtamangala (ashta meaning eight and mangala meaning auspicious). The Eight Auspicious Symbols are printed on Tibetan prayer flags, incorporated into mandalas and thangkas, and used in other forms of ritual art. Another important symbol is the Wheel of Life, a symbolic representation of the universe as understood by Tibetan Buddhists.
Other important types of symbolism in Buddhism include colors, especially the five colors of white, yellow, red, blue and green, and symbolic hand gestures called mudras. The articles in this section explore these Buddhist symbols, providing information on their history, meaning and use in Buddhism today. (For an introduction and quick guide to Buddhist colors, see our Chart of Buddhist Color Symbolism.)

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Rupert Gethin on "Concentration and mindfulness in Buddhist Psychology"

Rupert Gethin on "Concentration and mindfulness in Buddhist Psychology"

Published on Aug 24, 2014
Buddhist psychological theory provides an analysis of the way the mind pays attention to objects, distinguishing between situations where the mind is more or less casually aware of objects and those where attention is more deliberately applied and sustained (as in meditation, but also in other mental tasks). In this context Abhidharma identifies a number of specific mental functions, some of which ('mindfulness' and 'attention') have begun to be discussed beyond specialist publications in Buddhist theory. Others (such as 'thinking about' and 'examination') have been less widely discussed, although they are crucial to the way Buddhist theory presents the development of sustained attention culminating in a phenomenologically distinct level of attention termed 'dhyana' or 'samadhi'.

Suggested readings: Cousins, LS, 'Buddhist Jhāna: Its Nature and Attainment According to the Pāli Sources', Religion, 3 (1973), 115–31; Lancaster, BL, 'On the Stages of Perception: Towards a Synthesis of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Buddhist Abhidhamma Tradition', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4 (1997), 122–42.

Rupert Gethin was educated at the University of Manchester, completing a BA in Comparative Religion (1980) an MA in Buddhist Studies (1982) and a PhD focused on the theory of meditation in the Pali Nikayas and Abhidhamma (1987). In 1987 he was also appointed Lecturer in Indian Religions at the University of Bristol. In 2008 he was Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley and, in 2009, was appointed Professor of Buddhist Studies, University of Bristol. In 2009 he also took part in Mind and Life XVIII in Dharamsala, a dialogue with the 14th Dalai Lama on the theme of "Attention, Memory and the Mind: A Synergy of Psychological, Neuroscientific, and Contemplative Perspectives" (see YouTube). His books include Sayings of the Buddha: New translations by Rupert Gethin from the Pali Nikāyas, 2008, Summary of the Topics of Abhidhamma and Exposition of the Topics of Abhidhamma (2002) and The Foundations of Buddhism,1998). He is currently working on a book on Abhidharma (funded by Leverhulme) provisionally titled "Mapping the Mind: a comparative study of Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Thought". See

Point Zero: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the subjective Physical Location of Consciousness

Point Zero: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the subjective Physical Location of Consciousness

Thank to the volunteers and Loretta Secchi for recruiting blind subjects. Laura Podda cooperated in the phase of collecting data; Paolo B. Casartelli, Ricardo Pulido and Kristerfor T. Mastronardi improved the text in English. Very special thanks to Nicholas Humphrey and John Skoyles for having reviewed the manuscript, providing suggestions and encouraging the publication. Thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their critical comments and suggestions. This work is dedicated to the memory of Francisco J. Varela, whose studies on the first person approach provided the starting point for these investigations.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Bodhidharma's Shoe

Bodhidharma's Shoe 

Uploaded on Oct 31, 2008
Americans began to practice Zen in the 1960s under the guidance of teachers from Japan. American Zen practice preserves many Japanese monastic traditions as Tom Davenport's personal account of a seven day intensive Zen retreat, documents. The filmmaker intercuts video of the retreat with drawings by Giei Sato that were published in the book "Unsui: A Diary of Zen Monastic Life" (University of Hawaii Press).

This retreat or "Sesshin" was at Bodhi Manda Zen Center, Jemez Springs, New Mexico --one of the most rigorous and conservative Zen Centers in the United States. The teacher is Joshu Sasaki Roshi who was born in 1907 and came to the United States in 1962. Other American Zen Centers have adapted and changed (using English in the chanting, for example) but the core practices of Zen Centers are similar.

For some healthy criticism of American Zen practice, please take a look at by Stuart Lachs.

Tom Davenport is one of the founders of Folkstreams and began his Zen practice in the late 1960s. Bodhidharma is the legendary Buddhist monk who brought Zen (Ch'an) practice from Indian to China in the 5th Century.

Children, Social Cognition, and the Divine

Children, Social Cognition, and the Divine

Rebekah A. Richert is an Associate Professor of Psychology, and director of the Childhood Cognition Lab, at the University of California, Riverside. Her research focuses on the cultural and social-cognitive dimensions of children’s understandings of religion, fantasy, and media. Richert’s latest project, supported by the SSRC’s New Directions in the Study of Prayer initiative, examines how prayer practices and instruction shape children’s concepts of God and supernatural causality. On a recent afternoon, I spoke with Richert about her current work and its implications.

Full Article

Thursday, 21 August 2014

KidsAnimation:Lord Buddha Stories

other stories:

Lord Buddha Stories | The Power Of Life | Stories for Kids | Animated / Cartoon Stories 

Published on Aug 20, 2014
buddha stories, stories for children,the life of buddha, kids stories, stories for kids, short stories for kids, animation cartoon, moral stories,animation stories, english stories, animation stories, animated cartoon stories, bedtime stories.

Lord Buddha Stories - The Power Life Of Buddha -
Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer. The calm and compassionate face of the Buddha is known all over the world. Buddha was a spiritual teacher of ancient India whose great ideas on freeing mankind from sorrow and suffering form the basis of Buddhism. Buddha was born in the sixth century B.C into a royal family. Known as Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of sadness. He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. He was then known as the distances teaching people about ?the MIDDLE PATH?, the way to end to suffering. He taught the four Noble Truths of suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering, and the Path to do that Buddhism offers hope and access to spiritual understanding and satisfaction to everybody. Throughout the world today, people still follow the teaching of the Buddha.

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Gautama Buddha the Unique Psychotherapist, Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.

Gautama Buddha the Unique Psychotherapist

Posted on August 21st, 2014

Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.

 Many people interpret Buddhism as a religion and a philosophy (or a practical philosophy) known from antiquity. The Buddhism has a vast system of psychotherapy. The Buddhism offers mental healing allowing growth promotion. Buddhism is a method of mind training. Understanding of the function of mind has been recognized as the basis of Buddhist philosophy. In this context the Lord Buddha can be identified as a unique psychotherapist of all time.

 The Buddha was a unique psychotherapist. His therapeutic methods helped millions of people throughout the centuries. Today the Western world has realized the psychological essence of Buddhism. Many Psychotherapeutic systems in the West derived from Buddha’s teaching. Buddha showed empathy and non judgmental acceptance to everyone who came to him. He helped people to gain insight and helped in growth promotion while eliminating troubling and painful emotions. His therapeutic methods are exceptional and can be applied for all time.

Full Article

ReligionFacts: Buddhism

ReligionFacts: Buddhism

Basic information on Buddhism

Free Surangama Sutra, Platform Sutra, etc from the Buddhist Texts Translation Society

Free Surangama Sutra, Platform Sutra, etc from the Buddhist Texts Translation Society:

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Essence of the Heart Sutra by The Dalai Lama

The Essence of the Heart Sutra by The Dalai Lama 

Part 1:
Part 2:

Published on Aug 19, 2014
The Essence of the Heart Sutra: The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings by The Dalai Lama
For more than two thousand years, the Heart Sutra has been part of the daily life of millions of Buddhists. This concise text, so rich and laden with meaning, concentrates the very heart of Buddhism into a powerful and evocative teaching on the interdependence of all reality.

In Essence of the Heart Sutra, the Dalai Lama masterfully unpacks the Heart Sutra so that any reader can benefit from its teachings - teachings meant to help us release ourselves from suffering and live with true compassion. Comprised of his "Heart of Wisdom" talks, originally delivered to thousands of listeners in 2001, the book offers the Dalai Lama's commentary as well as his easy-to-follow overview of Buddhist philosophy that places the sutra within its historical and philosophical context. With additional contributions by scholar and translator Thupten Jinpa, Essence of the Heart Sutra is the authoritative presentation of a text seminal to the world's religious heritage.

Essence of the Heart Sutra

Essence of the Heart Sutra 

Published on Jun 3, 2012
Essence of the Heart Sutra in Chinese with English subtitles.



Tuesday, 19 August 2014

What is Buddhist Art ?

What is Buddhist Art ?

Buddhist art includes media which depict Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and other entities; notable practitioners and historical figures; narrative scenes from the lives of all of these; mandalas and other graphic aids to practice; as well as physical objects associated with Buddhist practice (dorjes, bells, clothing, etc.).
Music, chanting, dramatic forms, and poetry can also be considered Buddhist art.

Addressing Cultural, Ethnic & Religious Diversity Challenges in Europe

Addressing Cultural, Ethnic & Religious Diversity Challenges in Europe

A Comparative Overview of 15 European Countries
Anna Triandafyllidou,  European University Institute, 2012

NATRE: Global learning and RE

Global learning and RE

Engaging with different religions and worldviews, considering identity and diversity, looking at sources of wisdom such as religious texts, and asking challenging questions are all at the heart of Religious Education (RE) and can contribute to global learning in schools.

RE provides opportunities for pupils to pursue enquiries into the impact of religious teaching on the actions of believers from different religions and worldviews, for example through studying the work of individuals, communities and charitable organisations. Important skills in RE include the ability to evaluate critically, to question and learn from other people’s points of view, and to agree and disagree respectfully, for example through undertaking dialogue with people from other religions, cultures and places, and identifying similarities, differences and questions from the ideas discussed.

The non-statutory National Curriculum Framework for RE  (2013) produced by the Religious Education Council (REC) shows the links between RE and global learning in its aims, for example:

The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:

  1. know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews, so that they can identify, investigate and respond to questions posed, and responses offered by some of the sources of wisdom found in religions and worldviews
  2. express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews, so that they can express with increasing discernment their personal reflections and critical responses to questions and teachings about identity, diversity, meaning and value, including ethical issues
  3. gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews, so that they can enquire into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully for the wellbeing of all.

Additional resources have been provided to give information and examples of how RE can support global learning. These are:

  • an overview for Key Stage 2 and a selection of case studies that suggest teaching and learning activities for primary schools:

  • an overview for Key Stage 3 and a selection of case studies that suggest teaching and learning activities for secondary schools:

Monday, 18 August 2014

Buddhanet: Buddhist Pilgrimage sites

Buddhist Pilgrimages: Places to go

Buddhist Art From Around the World

Buddhist Art From Around the World 

Dechen Lhamo

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2009
This video includes Buddha Statues (Rupas) and Buddhist art mostly from from around Asia and Europe. I have included several large Buddha and Quan Yin rupas located throughout Southeast Asia, including Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Burma, Thailand & China. I have included Buddha rupas in India and Sri Lanka. I have also included a Bamiyan Buddha located in Afghanistan (since destroyed by the taliban), one from Pakistan, and several Buddha figures discovered in Greece. Some of the Buddha rupas featured were housed in monasteries that were destroyed during the cultural revolution in Tibet. I have also included several styles of Stupas (Chortens) located in and around Tibet, India and Nepal. While time and the elements have been kinder to some of these works of art than others, I feel that they are no less important. Than you for watching. Tashi Delek & Peace!

Beliefs Made Visible: Buddhist Art in South Asia

Beliefs Made Visible: Buddhist Art in South Asia

Asian Art Museum

Uploaded on Nov 12, 2009
Explore Buddhism through clips of significant sites in South Asia and interviews with members of the Bay Area South Asian community.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

A General Introduction to Buddhist Architecture 

Published on Oct 19, 2012
This will introduce the novice to the origins and variety of Buddhist architectural types. Produced by Castiglione in 2007.

Buddhist Architecture: Craftsmanship unites places of worship

followed by

Buddhist Architecture: Craftsmanship unites places of worship

Published on Aug 15, 2014
All rights belongs to NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

Popular Vajrayana and Tibetan Videos

  Popular Vajrayana and Tibetan Videos 

as at September 2014 :
  1. Four Extraordinary Qualities of Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism

  2. 2

    Part 7 - Tibetan Buddhism - Deity Meditation

  3. 3

    Ritual in Contemplation: Text and Tools in Tantric Buddhism

  4. 4

    Technical Notes on Tibetan Tantric Buddhist Painting : Artistic Heritage and Traditional Techniques

  5. 5

    Tibetan Tantric Masters

  6. 6

    Khenpo Munsel- Guru Yoga

  7. 7

    Tantric Buddhist Monk Dance

  8. 8

    Path of Tantra - Introduction

  9. 9

    Yellow Zhambhala Tibetan Vajrayana

  10. 10

    Two Buddhist Teachers create a unique spiritual program: Zen Heart Vajra Heart

  11. 11

    The Disappearing Monk

  12. 12

    Vajrayana Ritual in the Context of the Nine Yanas

  13. 13

    The Awakening Feminine Part 1: Lama Palden Drolma

  14. 14

    Buddhism Documentry - Tantra of Gyüto- Sacred Rituals of Tibet

  15. 15

    Buddhist Council of Greater St.Louis Centers

  16. 16

    What Is Flapping?

  17. 17

    Mandala of Tantric Buddhism

  18. 18


  19. 19

    The Awakening Feminine Part 2: Lama Palden Drolma

  20. 20

    The Sacred Art of Himalaya

  21. 21

    Invoking the holy spirit through Buddhist tantric chanting in a Monastery, Delhi

  22. 22

    Gyuto Vajrayana Center: Tibetan Monks in San Jose CA

  23. 23

    Dorje Shugden Dang Kee Rang Song Khong Khuen Spiritual Possession in Thai & Vajrayana Buddhism

  24. 24

    "The Shift Project": Interview with Lama Rangbar 1/3

  25. 25

    Introduction to Guru Yoga with Kate Thomas

  26. 26

    Creativity Matters: Creativity Through the Lens of Vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism

  27. 27

    1-Monks Chanting in Ladakh, India

  28. 28

    Lama Chöpa, Losar in Paris, 2012

  29. 29

    The Mahasiddhas - Introduction

  30. 30

    Tantric Buddhism at Drak Yerpa

  31. 31

    Vajrayana Ritual Review

  32. 32

    Agni Hottri Part One

  33. 33

    Tantric Buddhism at Drak Yerpa 2

  34. 34

    Tibetan Tantric Buddhism = Lamaism

  35. 35

    Tibet: A Buddhist Trilogy Trailer

  36. 36

    The Nine Stages of Awakening in Tantric Nyingma Buddhism

  37. 37

    Deep Tibetan Meditation

  38. 38

    Sukhasiddhi Foundation: Vajrayana Buddhism in the West

  39. 39

    百字明 Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Mantra Sanskrit

  40. 40

    Nyingma Kathok 中国西藏佛 Vajrayana Buddhist Hayagriva Empowerment A1

  41. 41

    H.E. Garchen Rinpoche - Vajrasattva deity commentary and empowerement - Day 3

  42. 42

    Vajra Master Yeshe Thaye (Rainbow Body-P6/6)

  43. 43

    Buddhism 佛教 Vajrayana "OM MA NI PAD ME HUM" recitation chanting

  44. 44

    Agni Hottri Part Two

  45. 45

    sha cham ( Deer Vajrayana dance) TIPA NY TOUR......

  46. 46

    Buddhism 佛教 Vajrayana Circumambulation with Mani Mantra

  47. 47

    Day 26: 101 Days of Self-Pleasure

  48. 48


  49. 49

    Tibet pious music チベット密教 西藏宗教音乐

  50. 50

    Nyingma Kathok 中国西藏佛 Vajrayana Hayagriva Empowerment A2

  51. 51

    Il Buddhismo tantrico tibetano-"Tantrismo indiano, tantrismo Buddhista e tantra tibetano"

  52. 52


  53. 53

    Budismo parte 1 -

  54. 54

    Vajrayana Buddhism佛中心 Vajrayogini 瑜伽空行母 Tantric Drupchod with Sand Mandala

  55. 55


  56. 56

    Budismo parte 4 -

  57. 57

    チベット密教 チャム 護摩 砂曼荼羅 灌頂 瞑想

  58. 58

    淨空老法師:關於西藏密宗藏傳佛教 (上)

  59. 59

    Prece de dedicação - Lama Sherab

  60. 60

    Il Buddhismo tantrico tibetano-"La compassione come fondamento della pratica tantrica"

  61. 61

    4-30-11 Introduction to Vajrayana pt 2 - Unique Features of Tantra - BBCorner

  62. 62

    『チベット密教 聲明の驚愕』_ギュートゥ・ゴンパの僧侶.wmv

  63. 63

    Budismo parte 3 -

  64. 64

    티베트 불교 ⑩ 금강승으로 가는 길

  65. 65

    Мара Лхоцзава. Встреча с Гуру Куккурипой

  66. 66

    チベット密教幻の祈り!! 門外不出の本物の五体投地

  67. 67

    曼陀羅 チベット密教の神秘 守護神を探せ! iphoneアプリ

  68. 68

    How Tantric Deities Bless Us (2) - Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

  69. 69

    Musical Instruments During Vajrayana Ceremonies