The Way to Salvation
Published on Oct 29, 2014
Way To Salvation” is a documentary that captured the real life
cultivation practice of a Buddhism Dhutanga-practicing Sangha - the Da
Bei Sangha. The Da Bei Sangha is stationed at the Da Bei Monastery in a
mountainous valley in Liaoning Province in the northeast of China.
Venerable Master Miao Xiang is the The abbot of the monastery
The Vinaya is the foundation of Buddhism cultivation practice and the Dhutanga is a critical way of Buddhism practice. Both were taught and set examples by the Shakyamuni Buddha. Numerous Buddhist patriarchs achieved enlightenment by following them. In spite of a seemingly “old” tradition, the Vinaya and the Dhutanga remain as the effective ways for a Buddhist monk to achieve mind purification and preserve a monk's essential quality in today's overly materialism world. The film shows the cultivation process of Buddhist monks who progress the self-salvation as well as helping the purification of the society by strictly adhering to the Vinaya.
Should any contents in the film conflicts with the Buddhism Sutra and the Vinaya, please use the Buddhism Sutra and the Vinaya as the guidance.
《解脫之路》是記錄當代頭陀僧真實修行生活和佛教戒律概貌的佛教紀錄片。戒律是佛弟子 修行的根本基石,頭陀行是佛法修行的重要法門,二者由釋迦牟尼佛親自垂範,無數祖師大 德依之成就,雖古老傳統,卻是當代僧人在物慾熾盛的環境中淨化自心、保持應有清淨本色 的有效方法。本片呈現了僧人因嚴持戒律而逐步走向自身解脫、淨化社會人心的過程。片中 若有與經律不符之處,皆以經律為準。
The Vinaya is the foundation of Buddhism cultivation practice and the Dhutanga is a critical way of Buddhism practice. Both were taught and set examples by the Shakyamuni Buddha. Numerous Buddhist patriarchs achieved enlightenment by following them. In spite of a seemingly “old” tradition, the Vinaya and the Dhutanga remain as the effective ways for a Buddhist monk to achieve mind purification and preserve a monk's essential quality in today's overly materialism world. The film shows the cultivation process of Buddhist monks who progress the self-salvation as well as helping the purification of the society by strictly adhering to the Vinaya.
Should any contents in the film conflicts with the Buddhism Sutra and the Vinaya, please use the Buddhism Sutra and the Vinaya as the guidance.
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